Human Origin and issues around the subjects: What does it mean to be human?
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Were people drugged before being sacrificed to the deities in the ancient past?
Monday, May 15, 2023
Two thousand years ago amber was quite valuable
This was mainly because it was one of the first forms of jewelry, and also because of superstition that it was made by the gods, that sunbeams produced it, and that it brought good fortune to those who wore amber necklaces.
But as fashion trends changed, science disproved things, and people had their heads cut off just as easily with amber earrings as without, people chose other jewelry as a fancy.
However, Amber can still be very, very, very valuable.
Friday, May 12, 2023
Бүжиж буй тахал
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Одоогоос 1000 жилийн дараах хүн төрөлхтөн
Хүний хувьслын түүхийн судалгаа нь үндсэндээ Homo #sapiens #зүйлийн #хувьслын судалгаа байдаг. "Орчин үеийн хүн" нь биологийн хувьд дээр дурьдсан зүйлд (#Homo sapiens) хамаарах Homo sapiens sapiens дэд #зүйл юм. Харин бид өнгөрсөн цагийн талаар хэлэлцэж байхаас илүүтэй ирээдүйн талаарх төсөөллөө илэрхийлэх нь зүй ёсны билээ. Энэ удаа та бүхэндээ 1000 жилийн дараах хүн төрөлхтөний хөгжлийн талаарх төсөөллөөр аялуулья.
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Who was the wisest man in history?
The Biblical King Solomon was renowned for his wisdom. The most commonly used example is the story of ‘Solomon’s verdict’. Two women came before his court, arguing over a baby. Each woman claimed the baby was hers. Neither could provide proof, it was just word against word. So Solomon ordered one of his guards to chop the baby in half!
Earth-like planets
The count of confirmed exoplanets just ticked past the 5,000 mark, representing a 30-year journey of discovery led by NASA space telescopes. "It’s not just a number. Each one of them is a new world.
Our galaxy likely holds hundreds of billions of such planets.