
Monday, February 25, 2013

Blond hair-Шаргал үс-What is the origin of blond hair? Light-eyed Mongolian a child-Шаргал үсний гарвал хаанаас вэ? Өнгөт нүдтэй Монгол хүүхэд.

Is this true?
Шаргал үсний гарвал хаанаас вэ?
Өнгөт нүдтэй Монгол хүүхэд.
Where is the origin of blond hair? Light-eyed Mongolian a child.

Collections of the faces in Central Asia
Mongolian a child from North East Mongolia, Dornod Tsagaan Ovoo.
Mongolian a child from North East Mongolia, Dornod Tsagaan Ovoo.
Mongolian a boy
Монголын Казак охин. Mongolian Kazak a girl.
Kazakhs and Mongolians in Western Mongolia - blue eyes in an East Asian face. Their eye color is Eurasian admixture from the ancient days and is only found in Central Asia, Mongolia, and Russian Siberia to a certain extent
Russi Zsuzsánna Andrea likes this.

Borbala Obrusanszky skifigees garsan baihaa
Tuesday at 21:16 · Unlike · 1

Batchuka Bodonguud Монгол улсын нутаг. Говь Алтайн бүсээс ийм шинж тэмдэгийн хүмүүс их төрдөг. Өөрөөр хэлвэл баруун өмнө зүгийн говийн бүсүүдэд гэсэн үг. Магадгүй энэ бүс нутаг эрт үеэс нааш илүү /европ/-жсон байж болох юм. Эсвэл сүүл үеийнх ч байж магадгүй.
Tuesday at 22:04 · Like

Uzmee Sodnom Жинхэнэ монгол цайвар болон ногоон өнгийн чонон нүдтэй гэдэг шүү дээ.
20 hours ago · Like


  1. This is a young Mongolian girl with naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. I can’t remember how I first ran across this photo, but I could not stop thinking about her afterward. Because I’m of Mongolian/Chinese heritage myself, this unique mix of physical characteristics was especially interesting to me. Since Mongolia and Russia share a border, and their people have a look somewhere between Caucasian and standard Chinese/Korean/northern-Asian, it made sense that the colors of their hair and eyes would be a mix as well. I realized that Day’s Mongolian father likely carried a blonde/blue-eyed gene, and if crossed with the blonde/blue genes of Day’s Russian mother, there was a very reasonable chance of having a blonde-haired/blue-eyed son of half-Asian and half-Caucasian descent. And so, Day’s somewhat unusual look was born. Of course, Day looks more mixed than the above girl would, given his heritage, but I hope this sheds some light on the question of his appearance!

    Олег Poleg

  2. Thank you very much. I understand

  3. Also I adding to my post of this blog's gallery. You can see like the blondly some childs from my country. Two pictures are taken from my tsagaan ovoo. Actually I named a child from North East Mongolia, Dornod Tsagaan Ovoo. You must know The Tsagaan Ovoo. ...Was spent few years on my homeland. So, Do you miss of your was Soldier times in the Buren Khaan?
